The Summoning Session was beautiful to look at. I got some same monster that I have got before but those new ones that I got makes me so happy! The Summoners war is really unique strategy very nice art made of “heroes” or so called monsters that you use in your battles as a team or even help with solo if you master the tactics.
I had saved theses summoning scrolls about an year and now we are speaking of these more rare scroll types. If you want to know more about the game I really recommend you come to visit in streams or in discord and I happily help you out and our community are helpful as well. You can find all my socials from the website here.
You never know that maybe one day I am the one who is popping your scrolls in the stream if you are willing ;).
But hey! Here is the video about the summoning I really hope you enjoy and please share a comment so I know your thoughts about it. Have a nice day you awesome people! 🙂