Hi all! This week I started to play Sniper Elite games and the first one was Sniper Elite 3. After Sniper Elite 3 I am not going to keep up playing Sniper Elite 4 or the V2  just yet. Instead I play the games that people voted in Discord.

I got lots of other games to discover that I bought in steam before so after most of those I continue playing this serie. If you want to know when I have played more this serie or released it in youtube. You can find all my Sniper Elite series from this playlist.

Let me know have you liked the serie or what is your opinion overall about the serie. Would be nice to know!
Here you can check my very first video about the serie and I hope you enjoy while watching.

There might be something funny at the beginning ;).
Take care people and I hope I see you in the next post :).


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