My Thoughts About Resident Evil 4 Remake

I just recently finished the Resident evil 4 Remake and it was so much more than I anticipated. I really enjoyed the battle mechanics how much you could make a difference with your own actions. In the village how you could choose do you be stealth or just more ram through mode or why not both. Usually it was both because the monsters can pretty easily spot you if you give them a chance. 

The game itself was very beautiful to look at. Nowadays the graphics are starting to get so close to real life that it is starting to be hard to even recognize the difference. 

The game took me around 20h time to playthrough in hardcore mode and I played the game only when I was streaming in twitch because I wanted viewers to have a chance to be with me the entire time. 

Good thing is that 95% of the game I will add into youtube so you don’t miss much even if you are not there the whole time. Problem is that best way for you to be part of the journey is to interact while the game is on live in twitch :). 

I am very blessed for some people who have been there almost the whole Resident evil game serie. I am so thankful for them who used so much of their time to just be there and hopefully having the good chill time while also supporting me…. It means alot!

I am not that good while typing posts in English but I hope this gave you atleast some feedback about the game. 

This post will have links to my website, socials and my youtube videos related about the Resident evil game so if you miss anything or you want to ask you know where to find me or atleast the place where to give your own thoughts about it :). 

Thank you for reading and I hope to see you in our platforms! 

Have a happy day! 🙂

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